Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mutated Movie Villains

So, I've been thinking recently about why movie monsters are often mutated people. I guess after seeing Toolbox Murders and I couldn't help but kind of feel bad for this mutated guy, even though he was killing innocent people..I mean...he killed because he's different....or crazy...or both...either way...mutated.

Here's my list of famous horror movie my opinion:

The Hills Have Eyes and The Hills Have Eyes 2:

I could not find one pic of the mutated people from the first movie...but here's two from the second installment. They're even referred to as "mutants" in the synopsis, so it's not me making this stuff up!

Toolbox Murders
Toolbox Murders Pictures, Images and Photos
I know we discussed him in one of our last blogs together, but this guy's ridiculous. He seems to have an aversion to light and something else because there's a scene by the stairs where he flips out and rubs his face and screams. Anyway, he's supposedly spawned from a curse. They say in the movie that he was born out of his dead mother and clawed his way out or whatever. What a creeper.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Leatherface Pictures, Images and Photos
Leatherface wore skin. He chased people with chainsaws. He grunted instead of talking. Deformed, or just really, really quiet and weird?

Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees Pictures, Images and Photos
This is a horrible pic of Jason, but I was low on options of his face for some reason. Here's him as a kid though:
Jason Voorhees As A Child Pictures, Images and Photos
Classic Jason Voorhees (11) Pictures, Images and Photos

Maybe if those stupid counselors had been watching him instead of having premarital sex....oh, what's the use?

The Funhouse
Synopsis from "Four teenage friends spent the night in a carnival funhouse and are stalked by a deformed man in a frankenstein mask".

Ok, so just because he's a deformed guy in a frankenstein mask...we know he's a killer right? poor guy. I also read he's albino and has fangs. P.S. finding a pic of him is the hardest thing on's the only known thumbnail:

I still feel kinda bad for him...and repulsed.

The Descent
guess the movie Pictures, Images and Photos
Ok, granted, they're not really "deformed" per say...more like "adapted". They "adapted" to being in the dark, but still...why do they LOOK like that?!

Um just an F.Y.I...I googled the word "mutant" and this gem came up:

Jack Frost 2: Attack of the Killer Mutant SnowmanJack Frost 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh. My. God. **New Favorite Movie Alert!!** There's an actress named "Marsha Clark" and I would have jumped 4 feet in the air if it was the prosecution attorney from the O.J. Simpson murder trials back in the 90's but it wasn't. Also, the characters names are Agent Manners and Captain Fun. This movie is like...outer-worldly. Please, please please, if you saw this film, tell me all about it. Bananas?! He kills the mutant snowman with bananas. I swear. Read here. I'm about 2 seconds away from buying this piece of golden cinema used from

Well, I need a break after that discovery....What do you think?

What other horror movie mutants do you love that I missed?


  1. Icin' and Slicin'? Wasn't Michael Keation in the first one? Or is that something else?

    If the killer in a horror movie isn't a mutant, I don't think it's considered "horror" anymore. It becomes a thriller.

    You need mutant faces to make it horror. That's the law.

  2. Icin' and Slicin'? Wasn't Michael Keation in the first one? Or is that something else?

    If the killer in a horror movie isn't a mutant, I don't think it's considered "horror" anymore. It becomes a thriller.

    You need mutant faces to make it horror. That's the law.
