Friday, October 16, 2009

Nuptual Pumpkin Debacle

So ever since we got engaged, I have been working round the clock on my Autumn magic wedding.

The biggest issue for me though is not my dress...or even the flowers.

It's the pumpkins.

Now, I had to really walk the fine line here to keeping my wedding as traditional as possible. As much as people wanted me to have a spooOoOoOktacular monster wedding bash, I had to restrain myself.

I couldn't put my poor sweet grandmother into a costume and have her sit there with bloody body parts and kitty litter wedding cake.

I couldn't do it.

So, I'm taking a more traditional route, with a few MB Blog touches here and there.

And one of those are my favorite autumnal gourd: Pumpkins.

So, I figured I'd make these nice little carved luminaries as my centerpieces.

Like that.

So, I decided that since I'd probably need like 12 of these, I'd do fake ones.

Well, A.C. Moore sells a faux pumpkin, called a FunKin.

They were on sale, so I bought two and of course, with the FunKins, I also needed the fake pumpkin carving set, some leaves, fake candles, etc etc etc.

So I come home and I'm carving away...and it takes me 2 hours to make part of one pumpkin.

And it looks hideous.


I hope my bridesmaids feel like hollowing out real pumpkins 2 days before the wedding and rubbing petroleum jelly all over them.

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