What is the best Horror Movie Website?
Well, I think I have it narrowed down to three...but which is the BEST?
Fearnet.com vs. Upcoming Horror Movies vs. Bloody-Disgusting.com
I have practically grown-up with (in Monster Bash terms) UCM. They are my go-to guys and ghouls for all of my upcoming horror needs. Then one day, I was doing some extensive online spoOoOoOOoky research, and Fearnot.com crossed my path.
FEARnet is basically the website that accompanies the FEARnet horror network. It was launched on Halloween, 2006, and offers free streaming of movies, message boards, trailers, shorts, etc etc. There is also FEARnet on Demand for 24/7 horror fun on TV. If you don't have access to that though, every Wednesday, the section for free movies available to stream is updated and rotated, so you can watch 24/7 horror right from your computer as well. The site has a lot going on, there's videos all over the place, one starts automatically and it too me a few minutes to find it, there's a section for "Frequently Feared" videos, a news section, a lot. Lots of stuff. There's also a whole heap of upcoming trailers to check out that appear exclusive to the site. Very cool.
Upcominghorrormovies.com is the only of the three without an official Wikipedia page. Bummer. On the bright side, I have exclusively been going to them to make my list of movies out during a particular month since the creation of this blog. I like their forum setup where people can review the films and how they give a calendar of movie releases. Of all the websites, I find UHM to be the most clear and easy to navigate. While it lacks the bells and whistles the other two have, I find it to be very efficient for what I'm using it for: details about upcoming horror movies coming out.
Bloody-Disgusting.com is something that I find myself linking to often, yet never really realizing its full potential...until now. According to Wikipedia, it is considered "the world's most popular horror website". It has been running since 2002, and is run by Brad Miska and Tom Owen. Bloody-Disgusting is also affiliated with the Horror Hound convention. BD's page is clearly the most gruesomely designed out of the 3. It's bloody...and kind of disgusting! MB loves it! I would say that their best asset on this site is the extremely comprehensive news articles they post. I learned about 10 new things just from looking at this site that got me super pumped about the horror world. I'm definitely a fan of the black and red theme that the site has going on. Very spoOooOoOOooOOoky!
So...what's the best? Am I missing one? More than one? I find that I use each site for a different purpose and they are teach the pinnacle of my horror search. So as usual, I stay neutral. I love them all equally. What about you?
the new video from The Used is amazing! if you havent seen it yet, heres the link:
i love the song, it made me so excited to hear the rest of the album! i even preordered the limited edition cd+dvd package from theused.net ....it will be worth it just for the signed poster!