Saturday, May 24, 2008

Unsolved Mysteries

I know, blast from the past, right?

Remember getting slightly nervous when you first heard Robert Stack's voice as he creepily walked through a morgue/graveyard/church/haunted house/police station?
Remember the theme song?:

I know, it's spOoOoOoky!

Unsolved Mysteries terrified me through the 90's. I used to watch it with my cousins and then we'd make up our own unsolved mysteries that we "heard about from _____(insert name here)" or "heard on the news". I was a believer. One IMDB review calls it one of the"creepiest shows ever"and i agree wholeheartedly.

And who could forget this amazing special effects:


and of course, the old time photos:

U.M. was separated into scary categories, allowing it to reach out to every type of audience:
-Murders / Robberies
-Aliens (least favorite)
-Missing Persons
-Religious / Historical Things (Angels, Crying statues, War mysteries, mysterious church related stories)

in my tireless search of my beloved U.M., i found a myspace page...named unsolved mysteries...but it really a musical group.

but what really happened to our beloved R. Stack and his creepy storytelling? Rest assured, Monster Bash readers, U.M. is alive and well in our hearts, and on Lifetime.

Rumor also has it that Spike TV will take over this year airing it, and adding some new episodes! According to

Spike TV, 2008-
According to Broadcasting & Cable,
HBO Distribution is planning on bringing back Unsolved Mysteries when the cable channel Lifetime contract expires in 2008. The show would feature a new set, same music, recaps on old cases, as well as new cases, and a new host. The show will be on SpikeTV in October 2008 for 5 years and 175 episodes, [3] featuring the same theme music, and hosted by actor Dennis Farina.

grab a buddy and maybe turn the lights out?

or maybe not.


  1. Scariest. shit. ever.

    I have season 1 on dvd.

    The alien ones are wretched, featuring rednecks talking about being abducted and probed

  2. Unfortuately I always think, "Good afternoon Mrs. Esterhouse." when it comes to Robert Stack. But this was an awesome show that reallt freaked me out sometimes... The only thing that was more scary, is that I believe that America's Most Wanted would come on right after it. Like I really wanted to what something scary and then look at photos and dramatizations of criminals still on the loose.
