Tuesday, March 18, 2008

why isn't halloween here yet? 227 days to go

we're almost in the home stretch....

i know what you're going to say...and you're right...i'm getting desperate.

halloween seems so far away...

so i get slightly overzealous when i see a coming attraction for a scary movie on the horizon.

april 11th you say? that sounds great!

i know what it's probably going to be like: scream 3...or worse...the grudge....or even WORSE: .....hold on i have to google "movie with kane the wrestler about eyes"...A-HA! See no Evil...BOOOOOO

but, halloween isn't close enough for me to be picky. beggars can't be choosers.

so let me say it here first on ilovemonsterbash.blogspot.com...i'm excited for this movie!

let's look at the pros:

-Jonathan Schaech is in it as possibly the killer? i loved "that thing you do!" this should be GREAT then, right?!

-the use of the words "Magic" and "Murder" in the same sentence...as well as the addition of "sadistic" and "rampage" in the below synopsis:

Donnas senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, one of magic, beauty, and love. Surrounded by her best friends, she should be safe from the horrors of her past. But when the night turns from magic to murder there is only one man who could be responsible, the man she thought was gone forever. Now, Donna and her friends must find a way to escape the sadistic rampage of an obsessed killer, and survive their Prom Night.


-it's april and we're getting full serving of halloween

-the trailer actually made me feel slightly uncomfortable to be home alone

so there we go! set your calendars and get fandango ready for april 11th people!

and now, since i don't want you thinking that monster bash blog is solely about movies and movie reviews (which you shouldn't care since there's very little halloween to choose from this time of year)...

this is really strange...i googled (i love google in case you can't tell...it has two o's in it like "spooky") "halloween in spring" to see if they'd throw me a bone...and this is what i found.

the halloween 2008 forecast for spring hill, florida...which i was visiting last week and want to live at....they're welcoming halloween even though it's 227 days away...they even made a COUNTDOWN...

tell me i'm not supposed to live there.


  1. hahahah i had to look up bib fortuna...i completely agree

  2. Will we be playing spooky Connect Four at MB?

  3. maybe some spoOoOoOkiopoly or spOoOoOgories or taBOOOOOOOO...

    definitely a scavenger hunt will be in attendance, as well as annual awesome pinata and smashed ghostatoes.
