"seeing the tree is taking your life into your own hands with the crowds of people rockefeller center"
I just wanted to say that I typed the above quote on Saturday, December 13th, as a reminder to myself to blog about what makes the Tree at
Rockefeller Center in NY so spOOoOoOoOoky.
Little did I know, that on Sunday, December 14th, we would go into the city and experience it first hand in unimaginable ways.
Perhaps I'm psychic? That's a whole 'nother spOOoOoOoktacular blog within itself!
Let me preface this by saying that I am the most ungrateful near-New Yorker/New Jerseyian on Earth. Not only am I minutes away from
New York City, which would be the envy of city-lovers everywhere, but I HATE it with the deepest of hates. You know that song "
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch"? Well, replace "
Mr. Grinch" with "New York City" and you have my feelings detailed in song. (P.S. I just learned that there is a recording of the song by RuPaul....pinch me, I'm dreaming).
I know, you're probably angry with me and how ungrateful I am that I live so close to a place that people LIVE for and yet, I'm pissy about it. But hear me out:
First of all, I'm a country bumpkin. Not really, but I'm a suburban bumpkin (I like the word, it rhymes with pumpkin). I like not-busy places, I dislike pushing through crowds, I don't like loooong lines and traffic, so much so that I avoid it at all costs.
So being in the city is sPoOooOoOoOky enough for me.
Also, let me emphasize that I'm very happy for you if you like the city: I'm not being holier-than-thou, because to each their own..I just dislike it with every fiber of my being.
Anyways, so going to the city is never at the top of my list. I'd rather play spoOOoOoky
Nintendo or watch Nightmarish
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
But once a year or so, I'll suck it up and take it on the chin, because it's
Christmas time and I do appreciate that the tree is so close.
We figured we'd go on a Sunday, because Sunday to me seems like it'd be less busy than a Saturday night or a Friday night..right? wrong.
We took the bus in (another horror story within itself for the directionally challenged --> me), and about 2 1/2 hours later (it typically takes 20 minutes to get into the city), we arrived! At...
Port Authority...and then ....walked....walked...walked....walked...
And then I saw the
Saks Snowflakes (my fave), followed by throngs of pushy cityfolk.
And then I heard something off in the distance...
pounding bass...
loud yelling...
A monster invading the city? Are we in that
Cloverfield movie?
nope...it was just....
T.I. was in the city.
On Sunday.
And of course, people were going apeshit.
Anyway, as we pushed our way to look at this tree, I just remembered grumbling about wanting to leave.
Then we went to
Serendipity 3 to try to get this friggin'
Frozen Hot Chocolate that I try to get every year...
2 hour wait.
buhhhhhh. frightening.
Finally after a delicious meal (so delicious it was scary) at
Brother Jimmy's (try the sweet tea!), we headed back for the bus.
and of course, the bus terminal had moved because it was after a certain time.
Seriously, if Renee didn't know the city like the back of her hand, Jim and I would have been sleeping on the sidewalk. I would've never found my way out of the city alive. There was one point where I believe Cos said "this feels like a scene in a horror movie"...I couldn't agree more.
And that, my friends, is holiday horror enough for me.